Thursday, January 7, 2016

TBT- My Prayer

I have loved writing since I was in my teens but never really took the time to journal. I would jot my thoughts on any paper that was available.

I am sure I have lost most of what I wrote but some things ended up in books and files and boxes awaiting discovery on some future date.

I recently found some of my writing from "way back" and thought I would share.

This prayer I wrote in a journal on July 12, 1993:

"Heavenly Father,

Help me to never lose sight of my "young, idealistic beliefs":

The desire to see unity in the Body of Christ surpassing the boundaries of "religious sects".

Believing literally what you say in your Word and living it.

Separating scriptural truth from legalism and tradition.

Willing to stand and say I am a follower of Christ alone.

To be humble enough to allow God to use what He wants for His purpose, 
not expecting Him to follow in the boundaries I've set for Him. 
It's His program not mine.

To be understanding and kind in conflict.

To love unconditionally.

To be joyful in the face of adversity knowing that 
my life, my future, my all 
are in the hands of the One who created me, 
who loves me infinitely and unconditionally."


About Me

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I am the very blessed wife of my best friend. The humble mother of five precious children. Walking a life-road that is more amazing than I could ever imagine.