Saturday, January 2, 2016

Photo Challenge 2016

So once again, I am going to join a photo challenge.

Last year, the host of the challenge I joined abandoned the challenge at the beginning of March. Part way through 2013, I ran my own photo challenge and stopped posting after week 13.

Hopefully this one will stick and I will stick with it.

Usually I take the challenge and use it to document our life. I worry less about the quality of the photo and learning new techniques and focus more on the composition and content. Capturing moments and memories.

This challenge over at Dogwood photography will be more about improving my photography as the description reads:

"Unlike most photography challenges which are just a simple list of ideas, this 52 week challenge is designed to push your photography to the next level. This list is going to be more challenging to complete than a simple 52 week photography challenge list. But stick with it to the end and I guarantee you will be a better photographer for it."

In reading through the 52 challenges, I am looking forward to growing and stretching myself a little more each week.

I plan on posting my challenge photos each Friday. (and also posting on Dogwood's page for feedback - a big step for me).

Here's to starting fresh with something I love and taking leaps into a bit of the unknown!


About Me

My photo
I am the very blessed wife of my best friend. The humble mother of five precious children. Walking a life-road that is more amazing than I could ever imagine.