Thursday, December 31, 2020


Many of you know that I choose a "word for the year".

Reflect, choose, intentional, rest. I have been choosing words since 2009......or I should say, they choose me. Most often they are bound out in Scripture and leap off the page. 2020 was no different. This Psalm has been travelling with me for a number of years.

I was very familiar with the beginning of this Psalm and the end (maybe you are too). We have sang these praises and I am sure they were quick to your lips as your read them.

What I had  pondered was mostly this second section. 

"Even the Sparrow has found a home,
and the swallow a nest for herself
where she may have her young -
a place near your altar,
Lord Almighty, my King and my God.
Blessed are those who dwell in your house:
they are ever praising you."

In fact, I had a plan for a necklace (because sometimes I wear my "word") - a nest with 5 pearl eggs, a bird charm and the word "dwell".

Then, I read further and this contrast jumped out at me:

We went from dwelling to pilgrimage?!?!? and BOTH are blessed?! and what?!?!

And THE word was pilgrimage and I knew. And I wasn't completely confident in what that meant but I knew it was mine. And for the first year after a decade of word-choosing, I wasn't excited about it.

PILGRIMAGE - a pilgrimage is a journey, often into an unknown or foreign place where a person goes in search of new or expanded meaning about their self, others, nature or a higher good, through the experience. It is often taken alone. It can lead to a personal transformation, after which the pilgrim returns to their daily life.

Okay, so I didn't  really LOVE and EMBRACE my all...that is why I didn't share it or blog about it. I DON'T like change. Pilgrimage means moving and moving means change. A former boss used to say "If you always do what you've always done then you will always get what you always got."

Growing means change

Being transformed into the likeness of His son means change.

Pilgrimage means change.

So, at the beginning of 2020, I anticipated my word and how it would play out through the year (and I am usually VERY wrong) I recognized that my new job and planned travel for work makes for a lonely journey. Ottawa is a far away place and was still somewhat unknown. There were aspects of my job that were unknown. 

But, oh this year has provided even greater opportunities in "aloneness" than I could have ever imagined. Quarantining and travel alone and online meetings and virtual committee and hybrid Parliament and business closures and restaurants only offering take-out and limited staff in the office.

This pilgrimage has had some significant valleys.

Missing my niece and her husband.

Missing saying goodbye to Baby M.

Missing camp for the first time in 23 years.

Missing our American friends and family.

Missing church.

Missing connecting. 

All the holidays were changed - Easter, July1st, Thanksgiving, American Thanksgiving, Christmas and tonight, New Year's Eve.

We lost out on celebrating Brae's HighSchool graduation, Hosting the Homeschool Summer Kick Off BBQ and so many weddings and babies. I miss my people. 

In my travels, I took some time to seek out connection to the past.

Over the last little while I have been encouraged to take a bigger perspective than just the one to which I naturally default.

I tend to wallow in the valleys of life. Set up my tent and stay for awhile....
Sometimea a long while.

But this verse says they "pass through". They don't make this their home. 

They don't dwell. 

They keep moving.

And what do they do while passing through? "They make it a place of springs".

They do something productive. Dig a well. Not only for refreshing for themselves but for those that come behind.

They go from strength to strength. they grow in strength as they continue through these valleys and from strength more strength is found. We have victory through the valleys.

This pilgrimage has indeed been challenging. Life looks very different.  But with valleys come hilltops and I have seen beauty in the hills. 

So goodbye 2020 and the Year of Pilgrimage. I can look back at this lonely journey having learned much about myself and my family and my God. I am definitely changed.

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About Me

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I am the very blessed wife of my best friend. The humble mother of five precious children. Walking a life-road that is more amazing than I could ever imagine.