Saturday, December 31, 2016


Another year, coming to a close.


Usually that would be a sad sigh, as I ponder all of the good times, the memories we made and I think about my children that are growing too quickly. This year that is a sigh of "it's finally done". No excitement but relief that we can move into a new year.

These yearly words of mine are not quite adding up to what I envision at the beginning but they are definitely growing me.

2015 - REST - a crazy busy year with a federal election that ended in the ultimate rest for me - the loss of my full-time employment and the loss of half our household income.

2016 - CONTENT - I anticipated peaceful, sunny days of reading and time with my children, finding fulfilling employment, and having purpose.

2016 became a year marked by loss. Loss of work, loss of people. Waves of discouragement. Lots of tears.

This year, so many people died. Others have told me that it is just the age we are getting to, our parents are reaching the end of their life, so death will become more prevalent. I know this is true but I don't think anyone is ever ready to lose a parent. So many friends have lost one of both of their parents in 2016.

 But, this year I experienced the loss of many who were so young. We aren't guaranteed tomorrow.  I know that is truth but, the loss of peers and one of my sixteen year old daughter's best friends is more than one anticipates. It feels like God is calling people home in greater numbers.

I believe that God has numbered our days before our birth.Though, I have hope in this and my faith carries me through, being CONTENT this year has been a challenge.

I think I embraced my word in many ways but had to remind myself over and over, to be content no matter what my circumstances. And this year circumstances were hard and contentment is a choice. A learned behaviour.

On the cusp of a new year, I can choose to be CONTENT. And so I do.


About Me

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I am the very blessed wife of my best friend. The humble mother of five precious children. Walking a life-road that is more amazing than I could ever imagine.