Monday, August 10, 2015

Don't Dehydrate

As the younger brother to two older sisters, it is typical to be surrounded by and participate in the “girl”side of childhood. Dolls, dress up and princess movies are par for the course. In our house the girls were quite taken with Polly Pocket and the first movie was on regular rotation through the DVD player. Little brother was captivated by the movie, also.
Polly and her friends are on the cutting edge of fashion and quite aware of the latest beauty tips which are shared liberally throughout the show.
During a last minute flight to a private island, Polly, hostess extraordinaire, provided her guests with a satchel filled with “everything a girl needs for the lengthy overseas plane ride: flavored lip gloss, ionized face mister, bottled water and moisturizer. Everyone who’s anyone knows the #1 rule of flying…”
My boy would join enthusiastically in chorus with Polly’s friends “Don’t dehydrate!”

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I am the very blessed wife of my best friend. The humble mother of five precious children. Walking a life-road that is more amazing than I could ever imagine.