So much for which to be thankful!
77. a husband who cleans the kitchen after I make it a mess
78. little boy snuggles every morning he is able to get up before me. :-)
79. sweet baby kisses - even if they are through the phone
80. the sunlight shining through my new bathroom skylight into a beautiful, bright, clean haven
81. homemade chocolate chip bran muffins. This recipe from a friend makes me happy.
82. so many encouraging words from friends and family.
83. finding deals to expand girly wardrobes all within our budget
84. a new shirt in my favorite colour - red!
85. deep purple lilac buds almost ready to burst open
86. a girl too excited to share next years co-op class choices that she stole the phone from her dad
87. sunshine, blue skies and warm weather.
88. watching my eldest come down the hall with his Bible - not well enough to go to church but spending time in God's Word anyways.
89. our Sunday lunch tradition - sharing what God showed us that morning.
90. cleaning out the wardrobe of clothes that no longer fit!