Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Anticipating Advent

The Advent season, this time of waiting, anticipating, remembering, watching. In my mind it's a time of gentle snowfalls and starlight. Quiet evenings blanketed the glow of candlelight and twinkle lights. A restful sigh as I am lost in the peace and joy of the moment.

In my reality, it feels like the snow at the peak of the majestic mountain that has lost its foothold and is careening to the valley, just barely avoiding the complete demolition of everything in it's path. It's a wild, unpredictable ride!

The first year that I ever chose a "word" to represent my upcoming year, I chose the word "intentional". I shared my thoughts with a friend and she encouraged me with the kind words that she didn't know me to be anything but intentional.

I am an intentional person.

At least my plans are intentional.

I have routines with calenders and charts and schedules and protocols and lofty ideas and well laid plans and somewhere along the way these get lost in the midst of real life and the plans and ideas and schedules and priorities of others.

My practice is anything but intentional ~ it is haphazard at best.

My tasks will only stay oriented for just so long before they are overtaken.

The "important" is often overshadowed by the "urgent" and the fires never seem to stay completely put out.

"Catch the foxes for us, The little foxes that are ruining the vineyards,
While our vineyards are in blossom.”
Song of Solomon 2:15

What are the foxes that are ruining your vineyards ~ the urgent distractions that cause you to miss the importance of the here and now?

This advent, I am seeking peace and joy and moments of reflection  ~ the embracing of the intentional.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


I know that is hard to believe. That I would not do something God asked me to do, either directly in Scripture or through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. I admit that there are times when I don't do what I am supposed to do. Sometimes because of laziness, or fear of rejection, or stubbornness, selfishness...It really doesn't matter what my excuse is, I was and am disobedient.

I was to send notes of encouragement and thanks to certain people that had invested in my life. I put it off for another day.....and the days passed and I thought about it but thinking isn't doing and I didn't do.

I composed notes in my mind but never put pen to paper. My flowery thoughts were beautiful and flowing and those who received the epistles would know how deeply they had touched me. But they never knew.

One day, I did. I wrote a couple of notes. At peace that these dear ones would finally KNOW. And then I learned for one precious saint, I was too late. In my disobedience the time had passed and this beloved lady was called home and I never did tell her.

In her honour, I share with you the thoughts I penned to her:

"May 2013
Mrs. Donaldson,

You may not remember me, but I have never forgotten you.

Your beautiful smile and the gentle way you loved your Sunday School students. I always felt important and special to you. I have taught Sunday School now for many years, inspired by the example you set for me.

When I think of the verse 1 Peter 3:4 "...the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight." I think of you. What a precious gift I have been given -wonderful women who have invested in my life over the years, expecially through difficult years, imprinting godly principles as standards to live by.

I certainly have made regrettable mistakes in my early years as I tried to figure out where I fit in this life. I am so thankful that by God's grace he drew me back to Himself and I returned to a blessed life of walking daily with Him.

Thank you for being a faithful part of "training me in the way I should go." I am priviledged for the opportunity to pass this heritage down to the amazing children God has blessed me with.

I am quite certain I will not be in North Bay again but I look forward to a heavenly reunion with you and all of the other dear saints from Bethel Chapel.

Much Love and Prayers,

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


So, the beginning of this week finds us still in San Francisco. The blue, blue sky was a constant during our time in California. It seems that most of the pictures I took were dominated with blue.
However, since I overdid last week's challenge with numerous pictures, I am going to stick to just one.
My absolute favorite.... subtle but captivating....
As we toured the bay by boat, I looked at the distant skyline and was thrilled to see tints and shades of blue from top to bottom.
In the bouncing boat (the Bay is not calm, kind water at all)
I hoped I could capture what I saw and felt.
This doesn't do the breathtaking moment justice but still, I am drawn to the angry blue-green waves and the grey-blue majestic mountains with a hint of clear sky blue across the upper edge.
Next Week's Challenge - Three


 This week I had the pleasure of touring San Francisco and Santa Rosa for a friend's wedding. San Francisco was a treat (no pun intended) of varying architecture. A eclectic mix of the old and the new. Bear with me, since I couldn't choose just one favorite, while I give you an architectural mini-tour of our trip.

We started at Detroit Metro Airport. The ceiling in the McNamara Terminal.
The ceiling intrigued me.

It's a good thing because I had a few extra unplanned hours to stare at it.
Driving through wine country. I liked the intricate lines of this bridge. Thankfully McKenna is handy with a camera so I didn't have to stop.
She captured just what I wanted to remember!
Korbel Champagne Cellars. Absolutely beautiful grounds surrounded by redwoods. History and nature and culture and wonderful food from the delicatessen to be enjoyed on the patio all in one stop!
I love wrought iron. It is beautiful even when aged and rusting. Character. Strength. Elegance.
Another McKenna capture (I hope you don't mind my inclusion of her shots. I will give her credit. Often she was forced to put down her book and take pictures of things I wanted to remember because I couldn't shoot and drive.........safely...)
I loved the light at the end of this tunnel. Though the curved tunnel was more fun to drive, this was definitely more picturesque.
McKenna captured this well through the front window of the car!

The Golden Gate Bridge. We didn't walk it. We ran out of time. We did drive over it one way to Santa Rosa in the wee hours of the morning. (We don't have any pictures of that.) We drove back the other way Sunday afternoon.
McKenna took a series of pictures while we drove up to and across it.
This is one of my favorites. 
Sunday afternoon we took a hop-on/hop-off tour.
 Sitting in the top of an open bus was a great way to see San Francisco downtown.
We didn't ever "hop-off" but took the opportunity to capture the sights. I thoroughly enjoyed the diversity in architectural style.
Our tour guide described this building as books lined up on a bookshelf.

I love columns. Classical Greek style Ionic capitals on the columns. AND I love sunshine and the moment that individual rays of light are distinguished.
An image that captures both!

Ornate arches - Roman inspiration.  

No simple or clean lines on this building. It makes me think of Europe.

The Transamerica Pyramid.

Saint Francis of Assisi Church.

 We were waiting on the corner for the historic trolley to pick us up. I found these houses built on the hill very captivating.
Thus ends our tour.
 I hope you have enjoyed the sights of San Francisco and the wine country around Santa Rosa.
Next Weeks Challenge - Blue 

Saturday, June 22, 2013


My sister is amazing.

She's older and wiser and talenteder...I know that's not a word but it flowed better than "more talented".

She has a knack for decorating and anything creative.

Her home is beautiful and welcoming and could be featured in a magazine. She and her husband are the perfect hosts!

Her yard and gardens look like a park -a place to relax and kick back. I love to wander and look at her flowers. Lately I have been focussing on closing in on the flowers that stand as sentries along her driveway.

Daisies are one of my favorite flowers.

Peonies are my new favorite flower this year!
I am planning on planting a bush in my yard, as soon as I figure out where.

Okay, so I admit to cheating a little with these two. They were not taken this week, but a couple of weeks ago, however, I liked the pictures so much, I couldn't resist using them!

So here are some shots from my visit this afternoon to my sister's garden:

Day Lilies - I have a pale pinky-peach in my yard but love the dramatic effect of this fuschia colour.
I think she called these Foxgloves. I had fun trying to capture the bee as he enjoyed his evening snack.
I remember when I was  ten years old, being mezmerized by slides of plants and animals and landscapes and people.  Uncle Harold took the most beautiful, thoughtful pictures. I am sure that is one of the reasons that I love to take pictures of flowers.
His wife, Auntie Audrey, had lovely gardens and always had little bouquets of flowers in the most unexpected vases gracing tables and counters and bedsides and bathrooms. It was a beautiful welcoming touch that I love to continue in my own home.
What wonderful memories I have of my many visits in their home.
Peace, grace, joy and love. Precious, sweet moments imprinted forever on my life.
Next weeks challenge: Architecture

Monday, June 17, 2013

Week 11 - HERITAGE

I have taken a very loose interpretation of the definition "something possessed as a result of one's natural situation or birth" Merriam-Webster

Being born in Southern Ontario and living on the border of the United States, crossing into a "foreign" country is a common thing. Seeing The Ambassador Bridge on the horizon - a reminder of an open border and the close relationship shared between the US and Canada.

I have spent significant time in Michigan....going to Junior Girls camp at Upper Peninsula Bible Camp, attending Young Teens and CIT at Bair Lake Bible Camp, Bill Gothard Seminars at Cobo Hall (and sneaking down to Greek Town) YPMs (Young Peoples' Meetings) with the Detroit area PB churches, occasional trucking trips with my dad, Single Mingle and church services at Mount Zion, Christian concerts, Creation Fest  at Agape Farm in PA and dinners in Mexican Town - all before I even started dating my dear husband! Trips across "The Bridge" and back became a regular occurance.

So many friendships I have built South of the border with some family by blood and others that have become like family through the Blood.
And after marrying Leo, introducing him to the joys of BLBC and being introduced to The Birth Place - where our three American children were born.

Walks along the river front (I admit that I prefer the green Windsor parks compared to the grey City of Detroit that edges the river), watching the Fireworks, we even took wedding pictures by the River.

And as we make our way slowly across the Bridge, I glance to my right and see...

a "blast from the past". Memories of visiting Boblo Island via the hour ride on the Columbia from this dock or on the Papoose from Amherstburg....and three years of working on "The Island". One in games and two as a photographer. I'm not sure they were my best years but they were definately learning and experiencing years. I grew up alot and can look back with fondness at my time there and wish my children could enjoy the same memories.....

A look up....

and a look back....

and we are home in the True North Strong and Free! ♥
Next Week's Challenge - Flora

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Week 10 - New

So many cliche things I could post for new, but I thought I would share Wil's new talent.... mimicking McKenna.....

and thinking he is quite funny in the process.
Though they are not the best pictures technically, I love them. Fun moments in our life.
This weeks challenge - Heritage

Week 9 - Contrast

I was definately determined to capture the contrast between my eldest two children on the day of graduation. Drew would be dressed up in suit and tie. McKenna in the working clothes of a photography assistant.

Drew rarely smiles for pictures. McKenna is ALWAYS smiliing.

Drew holds his emotions and affections close. With McKenna you cannot help but know you are loved and she generously pours out affection and encouragement.

Boy. Girl.

Introvert. Extorvert.

The diffence between these two is night and day.

BUT the grad day was SO busy that I absolutely missed getting the shot I wanted. *sigh* I will have to try to capture that another time.

The day before grad was a very yucky, rainy day. As I was heading home from work, running late  as usual, the sun was heading down to the horizon. As I stepped out of the grocery store and into the darkness of an angry sky, the sun dropped just below the storm clouds and shone in brilliant wonder. It was so beautiful I caught my breath and just stared, wishing I had my camera in hand at that precise moment. I didn't, of course.

Since the grocery store is literally down the road I rushed home, grabbed the camera, leaving the children to unload the groceries, and I tore to the road desperate to capture whatever moment I could.
This is one of my many attempts:

The angry forboding sky broken by the horizon all aflame.

So this past week while I was sitting under the towering oaks in my sister's back yard I leaned back and looked up to the sky and for the first time noticed the beautiful lacy effect of the layers of leaves against the sky. Like an exquisite lace tablecloth...


Monday, May 27, 2013

A Thousand, A Thousand Thanksgivings

well, I am only a tenth of the way there BUT, counting my blessings and giving thanks daily for my overflowing cup.

101. 18 years with my beloved - where did the time go?
102. the failure of the propane which led to the discovery of the delight of smoked chicken breast.
103. BD's Mongolian Grill - I love the food and the atmosphere
104. a visit with my niece, brat-girl, and her new husband in their cozy home.
105. a new photography backdrop system from this company
106. amazing border crossing guards in both directions.
107. homeschool co-op and all of the parents that take time to invest in others's children
108. weekly all-in-one night of soccer for all four soccer-playing kids.
109. weed-free flower beds thanks to my amazing perfectionist husband
110. sitting in Sunday morning service while the baby played the whole hour in the nursery.


I am admittedly, an optimist. My dear husband and eldest son are not. In fact, though they argue against it, they are indeed pessimists.

Why is it that pessimists cannot abide to be called pessimists - but rather claim to be "realists"? I realize I am generalizing but this type of "realism" sucks the life and joy out of me. If I am not careful, I can be pulled into the dramatic negativity all too quickly. (for those that know me I have resigned myself to the reality that I am dramatic - but it is a positive dramatic!)

Here is a Facebook chat that I had with my eldest last week (spelling and grammatical errors left in purposely):

Me - "hello boy of mine. how is your day going?"
Drew - "meh"
Me - "why?"
Drew - "thre is no why."
Me - "? you can't claim a "meh" day without a reason"
Drew - "You of all people shuld know by now that I m not one for reason."
Me - "*sigh* well Mister pessimist then you can't claim to be a "realist" The reality is your day is average ie "fine" - if there is nothing identifiable that causes your day to be below average then it cannot be defined as 'meh' "
Drew - "thats very optimistic reasoning and therefore not real."
Me - "not optimistic at all. Optimism would say without an identifiable cause for a below average day you must define your day as "wonderful", "great", "over-flowing with possibilities"! All spoken with great enthusiasm and even bigger smiles."
Drew - "spoken by an optimist. even worse an optimists view on on a pesimist. it just doesn't work."
Me - "Indeed it does work. You just don't like the fact that my neutrality - ie your day is fine - is realistic."
Drew - "If your nuetral why aren't I?"
Me - "because "meh" isn't neutral it's negative. "woohoo" would be positive (though extremely so). fine is neutral. regardless of your pessimistic outlook I still love you more than life!"

What I found even more interesting, is that moments after this conversation I went on to read this blog post by Ann Voskamp. As I pondered her thoughts, I read this quote and it spoke to me.

"When we fixate on the worst in something, we render ourselves incapable of fixing anything.
But attend to the good in something — and we act towards the best in everything."

This is it - when we focus on the adverse- when our immediate reaction is the extreme negative response to any circumstance, then the situation seems hopeless... too much to bear let alone overcome. The influence on those around can be depressing, suffocating desperation. But this isn't TRUTH.

Romans 15:4-6 "For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.
May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."

Romasn 15:13 " May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."

Psalm 18:1-2 "I love you, Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer;
my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

If I have this hope, how can I choose to react in the negative? to focus on the worst scenario as one without hope?

Even more than this

Romans 8:37 " No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us."
I am not left to my own devices to just "get by" or survive.

and then I read these words:

"You may not be able to picture what you can’t see but only real things fill up space. And the real reality is that your glass is really right full."

and they ring so true the glass is indeed ALWAYS "really right full".

THAT is realism!

    Friday, May 24, 2013

    Sisters in Christ

    I had opportunity to meet with an amazing group of women this evening. My Bible study group. Five homeschooling moms who love the Lord and desire to be the wives and mothers God calls us to be. We are working through The Resolution for Women by Priscilla Shirer. I have found the book, for the most part, thought provoking and challenging.

    I love our discussion time. The laughter and sarcasm. The honesty and openness. The woundedness and the healing. The safe place to be real and transparent. To learn and grow and change. No judgement. Encouragement and love and prayer.

    With these women I have learned that I am dramatic. ME! DRAMATIC! Now, I know this comes as a shock to those of you who know me well, but I have learned to accept the truth. When I said to Mc that I "don't do drama well" that was a misrepresentation. Apparently I do it SO well that I had convinced myself that I had outgrown the drama of my youth. (I admit that as I think back on some key dramatic moments in my life, I am truly embarrassed and wish I could take back the ridiculousness. I do hope that any witness of my antics has graciously forgotten my foolishness and only remember my more sane and lovely moments)

    With these women I have laughed and cried. Rejoiced and mourned. We have walked some difficult roads together but I am ever so thankful for this group of women - these friends. sisters in Christ. ♥

    Wednesday, May 22, 2013

    Week 8 - Still

    If you have ever seen the most beautiful sunset and been without a camera, and tried to rush home to get the camera and get back out to capture it, you know that sunsets are fleeting. They change in a moment. Sunsets make me feel peaceful and since I am not a morning person, I definately prefer them over the sunrise - though I have heard it is as beautiful. To sit and drink in the dancing colours as the light plays on the horizon. This was a moment on the road - out of a series of attempts to capture the gorgeous sunset, through the open driver's window across my husband and attempting to avoid other cars- it was anything but still.....

    ...but when I look at this image, I breathe deep and drink in the beauty of the moment.
    Next weeks challenge - Contrast

    A Thankful Heart

    91. the testimony of this beautiful young woman
    92. my eldest - who still gives me hugs and occasionally lets me tuck him in.
    93. A dear friend - with a listening ear. A wise word spoken in love and encouragement
    94. children who sit quietly and thoughtfully during church
    95. Breaking of Bread Service
    96. Baby smiles that light up the room
    97. Baby giggles are music to my ears
    98. scrapbooking weekend with the girls.
    99. the successful surprise visit of our daughter's best friend
    100. rhubarb custard pie

    Week 7 - Sweet

    There are so many SWEET things in my life - my husband, each of my children, friendships, my faith. It was hard to just pull one of these "most importants" out and distinguish it as "sweet", so I went typical with this week's challenge.

    Who can resist home-made waffles with chocolate chips, fresh strawberries and whipped cream?

    Wednesday, May 8, 2013

    Week 6 - Joy

    Surprise! Kayla stopped by and asked if she could take the kids out for ice cream. What a treat for a Wednesday evening! Drew had a prior commitment, telephone date but the middle three were beyond thrilled for a date with their cousin. There was much jumping and cheering, at least from Colby. The girls played it a bit cool but you can see the joy in their beautiful smiles. I absolutely love this picture of them!!!! ♥

    Monday, May 6, 2013


    So much for which to be thankful!

    77. a husband who cleans the kitchen after I make it a mess
    78. little boy snuggles every morning he is able to get up before me. :-)
    79. sweet baby kisses - even if they are through the phone
    80. the sunlight shining through my new bathroom skylight into a beautiful, bright, clean haven
    81. homemade chocolate chip bran muffins. This recipe from a friend makes me happy.
    82. so many encouraging words from friends and family.
    83. finding deals to expand girly wardrobes all within our budget
    84. a new shirt in my favorite colour - red!
    85. deep purple lilac buds almost ready to burst open
    86. a girl too excited to share next years co-op class choices that she stole the phone from her dad
    87. sunshine, blue skies and warm weather.
    88. watching my eldest come down the hall with his Bible - not well enough to go to church but spending time in God's Word anyways.
    89. our Sunday lunch tradition - sharing what God showed us that morning.
    90. cleaning out the wardrobe of clothes that no longer fit!

    Sunday, May 5, 2013

    Week 5 - Hands

    I had lots of ideas for hands in previous challenges. To be honest, I hadn't really thought of what to do this time around until I saw Christine's picture of her daughter's hand ready to pick up a worm. ew!

    Then my boys arrived with dandelions for me -

    - but since I posted those on my facebook status and took the pictures without the intention of the photo challenge, I thought it would be cheating.

    Good thing my sons see me as "flower-worthy" on a regular basis!

    though, periwinkle, like dandelions, do not make a long lasting cut flower.
    And who can resist the boys that make drums out of everything....

    three sets of hands flying. well, at least there were three until the camera came out and one decided not to participate. Even still, I love the movement in this picture and the three distinct personalities that define my sons.

    Lastly, a little boy who has clearly seen this so often that he is quite confident in how a camera works!

    Next weeks challenge : JOY


    Memorizing God's Word

    Like many kids the motivation of stickers or candy was enough to send me into a panic Sunday mornings. On the short drive from our door to the church parking lot, I crammed for the “test” – did you or did you not know your Bible verse this week? Of course the incentive was not enough to hook me into a weeks’ worth of work that would really cement the verse in my memory. After all, I only really needed to know the verse long enough to get credit. To be honest, aside from the standard John 3:16 type verses, I don’t remember much of my early memorization attempts.

    One day all that changed.
    To read the rest of the post please, join me here.

    Friday, April 26, 2013

    Week 4 - Circle

    Last week we had a Ladies' Night at our church. "Souper Supper" they called it.
    Eight different home-made soups to sample - yum! Along with bread and salad.
    Then there was Bean Soup in a Jar to take home.
    I added our beans individually to the pot and love the effect of the growing concentric circles with each new addition.
    It made a very yummy soup - even the baby liked it! and transformed will into chili the following day!

    Week 3 - Time

    It's P.J. Time!
    Independent and stubborn even if they were inside out!

    or maybe it's just time to tease. and who can resist the cuteness?

    Week 2 - Green

    I couldn't decide, so I am posting two pictures.

    Last year I found a wooden planter on clearance.

    I loved it, and since it was a small investment I added it to my cart, brought it home and immediately took pictures! I intended to plant the bulbs in the fall and have beatiful spring flowers after the dreary winter. When the flowers faded, Leo put the whole planter in the garage and  I promptly forgot about it. Imagine my surprise, when I went looking for the planter and found these.

    Green sprouts, desperate for light in my dark garage. I'm not sure how they have managed to survive without water or light, but here they are!
    Then there is this

    Who doesn't love fresh herbs in the kitchen? and even better, fresh herbs in their food?!

    Week 1 - Light

    I loved how the rays of light reached in all directions of the auditorium and the distant cell phone lights sparkled through the crowd. With music blaring the concert was magical.

    Are you up for a challenge?

    So, I have a friend. She, like me, is a small "p" professional photographer. We were talking about the challenges we are facing this year each with a toddler running around (at least I have five others to chase after mine). Picking up our cameras on a regular basis, aside from taking kid pics, is rare.

    We decided to do a photo challenge. Since we started four weeks ago, a few others have joined in. So, no matter where you are or when you read this, feel free to jump in with both feet and join the challenge. If you want to share your challenge picture, feel free to email me a link to your post and I will add it to my picture post. I love being inspired by others' interpretation, so I hope you will share.

    SO, what is a photo challenge?
    A challenge can be defined as "to dare somebody to do something" or "to stimulate intellect". I think these fit well with the object of this challenge in stimulating your creativity and daring you to take a picture that defines the WORD.

    In this challenge, I have chosen a word for each week and will post it on the blog. The object is to capture a picture that expresses that idea or theme. There is no right answer. For some a photo challenge is endeavoring to improve their photography skill, for others it is to enrich their creativity. For me, the challenge is to record our year in pictures and the tiny anecdotes that accompany. Since I choose random words, I too have to think outside of the box and often document things that I may not have noted otherwise.

    For example, last year a challenge word was "Flowers"

    My little man brought me my first flowers of the season that week. How could I resist capturing the love poured out in a dandelion bouquet? I had to drop everything to get them in water and snap a picture because everone knows dandelions wither rather quickly.

    Another challenge was "Shadows"

    My oldest son and I were walking each morning, rain or shine and through the dead of winter. We would bundle up and walk our loop through the neighbourhood and along the nature path. I'm not sure that either of us "loved" walking but we did get some exercise and some time together. Even when we weren't talking, I enjoyed my time with him. I keep thinking I should start up again.....but that would require getting up earlier and I am definately NOT a morning person!

    Lastly, the weekly challenge was "books"

    I decided to document all of the books that were important to me during that season. School books, reading club books, my favorite cook book, my journal, devotional and of course, my Bible. My life in books -from a-z!

    As you can see, these are not flawless compositionally, nor are they perfect technically but they are mine and they capture the beauty of my real life moments. They are treasures for me to cherish.

    Well, I hope I have encouraged you or inspired you! maybe to join us?

    The weeks of challenge are:

    Week 1   Light                         Week 16 Home                       

    Week 2   Green                        Week 17 Summer

    Week 3   Time                         Week 18 Music

    Week 4   Circle                        Week 19 Diagonal Lines

    Week 5   Hands                        Week 20 Celebrate

    Week 6   Joy

    Week 7   Sweet

    Week 8   Still

    Week 9   Contrast

    Week 10  New

    Week 11  Heritage

    Week 12  Flora

    Week 13  Architecture

    Week 14  Blue

    Week 15  Three

    Ready? Set? GO!!!


    About Me

    My photo
    I am the very blessed wife of my best friend. The humble mother of five precious children. Walking a life-road that is more amazing than I could ever imagine.