Saturday, June 22, 2013


My sister is amazing.

She's older and wiser and talenteder...I know that's not a word but it flowed better than "more talented".

She has a knack for decorating and anything creative.

Her home is beautiful and welcoming and could be featured in a magazine. She and her husband are the perfect hosts!

Her yard and gardens look like a park -a place to relax and kick back. I love to wander and look at her flowers. Lately I have been focussing on closing in on the flowers that stand as sentries along her driveway.

Daisies are one of my favorite flowers.

Peonies are my new favorite flower this year!
I am planning on planting a bush in my yard, as soon as I figure out where.

Okay, so I admit to cheating a little with these two. They were not taken this week, but a couple of weeks ago, however, I liked the pictures so much, I couldn't resist using them!

So here are some shots from my visit this afternoon to my sister's garden:

Day Lilies - I have a pale pinky-peach in my yard but love the dramatic effect of this fuschia colour.
I think she called these Foxgloves. I had fun trying to capture the bee as he enjoyed his evening snack.
I remember when I was  ten years old, being mezmerized by slides of plants and animals and landscapes and people.  Uncle Harold took the most beautiful, thoughtful pictures. I am sure that is one of the reasons that I love to take pictures of flowers.
His wife, Auntie Audrey, had lovely gardens and always had little bouquets of flowers in the most unexpected vases gracing tables and counters and bedsides and bathrooms. It was a beautiful welcoming touch that I love to continue in my own home.
What wonderful memories I have of my many visits in their home.
Peace, grace, joy and love. Precious, sweet moments imprinted forever on my life.
Next weeks challenge: Architecture

Monday, June 17, 2013

Week 11 - HERITAGE

I have taken a very loose interpretation of the definition "something possessed as a result of one's natural situation or birth" Merriam-Webster

Being born in Southern Ontario and living on the border of the United States, crossing into a "foreign" country is a common thing. Seeing The Ambassador Bridge on the horizon - a reminder of an open border and the close relationship shared between the US and Canada.

I have spent significant time in Michigan....going to Junior Girls camp at Upper Peninsula Bible Camp, attending Young Teens and CIT at Bair Lake Bible Camp, Bill Gothard Seminars at Cobo Hall (and sneaking down to Greek Town) YPMs (Young Peoples' Meetings) with the Detroit area PB churches, occasional trucking trips with my dad, Single Mingle and church services at Mount Zion, Christian concerts, Creation Fest  at Agape Farm in PA and dinners in Mexican Town - all before I even started dating my dear husband! Trips across "The Bridge" and back became a regular occurance.

So many friendships I have built South of the border with some family by blood and others that have become like family through the Blood.
And after marrying Leo, introducing him to the joys of BLBC and being introduced to The Birth Place - where our three American children were born.

Walks along the river front (I admit that I prefer the green Windsor parks compared to the grey City of Detroit that edges the river), watching the Fireworks, we even took wedding pictures by the River.

And as we make our way slowly across the Bridge, I glance to my right and see...

a "blast from the past". Memories of visiting Boblo Island via the hour ride on the Columbia from this dock or on the Papoose from Amherstburg....and three years of working on "The Island". One in games and two as a photographer. I'm not sure they were my best years but they were definately learning and experiencing years. I grew up alot and can look back with fondness at my time there and wish my children could enjoy the same memories.....

A look up....

and a look back....

and we are home in the True North Strong and Free! ♥
Next Week's Challenge - Flora

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Week 10 - New

So many cliche things I could post for new, but I thought I would share Wil's new talent.... mimicking McKenna.....

and thinking he is quite funny in the process.
Though they are not the best pictures technically, I love them. Fun moments in our life.
This weeks challenge - Heritage

Week 9 - Contrast

I was definately determined to capture the contrast between my eldest two children on the day of graduation. Drew would be dressed up in suit and tie. McKenna in the working clothes of a photography assistant.

Drew rarely smiles for pictures. McKenna is ALWAYS smiliing.

Drew holds his emotions and affections close. With McKenna you cannot help but know you are loved and she generously pours out affection and encouragement.

Boy. Girl.

Introvert. Extorvert.

The diffence between these two is night and day.

BUT the grad day was SO busy that I absolutely missed getting the shot I wanted. *sigh* I will have to try to capture that another time.

The day before grad was a very yucky, rainy day. As I was heading home from work, running late  as usual, the sun was heading down to the horizon. As I stepped out of the grocery store and into the darkness of an angry sky, the sun dropped just below the storm clouds and shone in brilliant wonder. It was so beautiful I caught my breath and just stared, wishing I had my camera in hand at that precise moment. I didn't, of course.

Since the grocery store is literally down the road I rushed home, grabbed the camera, leaving the children to unload the groceries, and I tore to the road desperate to capture whatever moment I could.
This is one of my many attempts:

The angry forboding sky broken by the horizon all aflame.

So this past week while I was sitting under the towering oaks in my sister's back yard I leaned back and looked up to the sky and for the first time noticed the beautiful lacy effect of the layers of leaves against the sky. Like an exquisite lace tablecloth...



About Me

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I am the very blessed wife of my best friend. The humble mother of five precious children. Walking a life-road that is more amazing than I could ever imagine.