Last week I had the priviledge to attend an event for International Women's Day. One of the speakers spoke of things we are thankful for. She told us that, in Native Tradition, thanks is given for women who are the "life-givers".
I realized how blessed women are to be "life-bearers". What an awesome privilege and responsibility that we often take for granted. Our world gives no real value to this calling and treats it more as a burden than the special honour it holds.
That aside, I began to ponder the true "Life-giver".Christ who came so that we might have eternal life and abundant life.
I can bear life but He can give life. He created me when "He knit me together in my mother's womb". He put me in this time and place with a purpose for my life. He GAVE me life! Then, through the work of Christ on the cross he GAVE me eternal life. And every day as I walk with Him, He gives me abundant life. More than I could ever ask or imagine.
It isn't always an easy road to walk, this walk of faith. But as I am learning to be thankful in ALL things, my perspective continues to grow to see the beauty and the sacred in the scars. I may not always "get" His ways but I can trust Him and give thanks.
I am thankful for:
32. a bed already made when I crawled in during the wee hours
33. a weekend away at my favorite place on earth!
34. time with a cherished friend
35. meeting new friends
36. amazing homemade food
37. coming home to welcome home signs and lots of hugs and Pizza
38. new, abundant life
39. tears of joy
40. chicken -oh how I LOVE chicken!
41. plums and nectarines - I cannot get enough of them
42. Dill Pickle Spitz - a gift from my loving sister.
43. SenSen
44. talking to my parents often, even when they are away
45. warm fuzzy blankets.
46. cool pillows
47. a wise man who used to say "I'd rather have sunshine the more to rejoice, but if God sends rain, then rain's my choice!" - Oh how he impacted my life!
48. Purity and Holiness
49. sitting under solid teaching from God's Word
50. water - pure, cool, refreshing water.